Frequently Asked Questions
Where to find more information
The Support Workforce Hub provides information and resources to support working, learning and careers for those working in Business and Administration and Estates and Facilities roles within health and care.
The Support Worker Central site supports role development and the learning of nursing, midwifery and allied health professions support workers in Scotland working across all care settings.
- Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) – These are available if you earn £22,000 per year or less. They can be used towards funding a wide variety of accredited learning. An ITA provides up to £200 per year towards the cost of part time learning that must be related to your work role with no requirement to pay this back. The ITA page within My World of Work provides further details.
- Part Time Fee Grant (for qualifications at SCQF level 7 and above) - This is available from the Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS). This funding is for part time higher education courses, including courses from the Open University. To get this funding, you should be 16 years of age or older and earning £25,000 per year or less. The Part-Time Undergraduate Student page within SAAS provides further details
- Scottish Union Learning – Scottish Union Learning may support group learning opportunities in the workplace. The Scottish Union Learning website provides further details.
- Local Funding – Some NHS Boards may have funding available from learning endowments and bursaries. Contact your Learning and Development department for more information about local funding opportunities.
External education providers e.g. colleges or private training companies may be approved to deliver the qualification you have chosen. To find out more about which education providers offer the qualification you are interested in, contact your Learning and Development department. Some NHS Scotland boards are approved to deliver accredited qualifications
Yes, have a look at this short supportive video.
Using Recognition of Prior Learning in NHS Scotland
A Guide to support staff Through the RPL Process.
The Knowledge Network Scotland provides additional sources of information to support your learning needs.
The Knowledge Network includes the National Digital Library, managed by NES Digital, Knowledge Management and Discovery. This unit buys and facilitates access to the national subscriptions for journals and eBooks.
This wealth of material can be easily accessed by signing into Library Search using your NHS email and password. Local NHS Libraries provide access to print materials, training and support and a list of your local libraries can be found here . There is also a wealth of information about the Knowledge Network services and subscription on the TKN website.
Yes - NHS Education for Scotland Resources include a couple of helpful videos for you to look at.
- PDPR for reviewers:
- PDPR for reviewees:
Different learning options
The NHSScotland Careers Website can be accessed here. Take some time to explore your options and discover the exciting, challenging and rewarding career opportunities that are available.
Turas is the single unified platform that allows you to access health and care tools and learning resources.
The Leadership and Management Zone provides a range of development resources for you access and review. There is everything from managing yourself and teams to managing and leading in organisations.
To help you make the most out of this resource, there is a Getting Started section highlighting everything on offer which enables you to plan and carry out learning at your own pace.
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